Corporate Social Investment
Corporate Social Investment
“Upliftment of the community is a critical responsibility – Andrew Gourley 2016”
Wavepaper has selected 2 initiatives that we believe truly believe will greatly, positively impact the community. The St Francis Foundation and the Dennis Hurley Center are fantastic initiatives that we support.
St Francis Foundation
The aim of the Saint Francis Foundation is to identify homeless people, people with health issues and challenges and underprivileged children and assist them with their basic needs like food, shelter, health care and education assistance where needed.
The Foundation also assists people in finding homes to live in, applying for their ID documents and any grants needed. In the case of educational requirements, the Foundation assists with educational assessments with Educational Psychologists and placements in the correct schools.
From time to time the Foundation may need the assistance of Social Workers, Educational and Emotional Psychologists and medical assistance.
“Remember when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given: A heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage’” – St Francis of Assisi.

Dennis Hurley Center
The Denis Hurley Centre has also been identified as a Public Benefit Organisation that the Foundation would like to support. This organisation provides a full spectrum of assistance and support for impoverished people.
